martes, 12 de junio de 2012


OXIDO- Hi Lori, this interview is a great pleasure for us; thanks a lot for your time. Please, tell us about this time you had been a part of Therion: your personal analysis of your performance in the band.

LORI- Well, I've been with Therion since 2007. It has been a great learning experience as well as opportunity for me. I come from a classical background for the most part, so getting a chance to meet musicians and fans from a new "genre" has been eye-opening. 

OXIDO- You took part of the recordings of "Sitra Ahra" as a guest. Two years later, how was the reception of the fans and the band's balance about the álbum?
LORI- It seems like those who attended the shows liked it, but one can never tell exactly how the response will be. That's why I just worry about doing the best job I can and enjoy the moments of music making, haha!

OXIDO- Now you're a permanent member of an historical band like Therion, is it very different to work with your other band, Aesma Daeva?
LORI- Actually, yes. But not because I joined Therion permanently. I moved away from Minnesota last year, which means that my work with Aesma Daeva is more limited than the past. However, Aesma Daeva is going through a transition itself… John Prassas, the idea-man behind the band, has moved on to other projects, though I'm always happy to hear if he has something for me to do. Of course, it is more difficult to be a part of the group when you're thousands of miles away. But I'm making it work with Therion, so hopefully we can also make it work. :)

OXIDO- Do you specially like anyone of the previous singers of the band?
LORI- Especially like? Well, I like them all for their unique contributions. I truly miss Katarina Lilja, of course, but she was my best buddy on tour. Lucky for us, we have the talented and hilarious Linnéa, though, so the sting is softened a bit.

OXIDO- Is it difficult to work with a perfectionist musician like Christofer Johnsson?
LORI- Hahahahaha! To be honest, sometimes yes. But to be more honest, I'm just as much of a perfectionist, so I recognize this tendency in myself as well. Sure, sometimes we're not the "easiest" to work with, but I truly believe the quality is high because he cares. And I care! As do the others, I might add. I think a band like Therion and the music we create attracts a certain kind of performer (someone who both has the experience and cares to perform well every single time, for example.)

OXIDO- Usually, european Gothic / Symphonic Metal bands don't add american singers. Do you feel like a strange or unusual case? Did you always been interested in european culture and music?
LORI- Absolutely. Especially Swedish culture. I'm actually a bit Swedish myself (my paternal great grandparents were Swedish immigrants who moved to Iowa, a state in the middle of the US that's known for agriculture and frozen winters.)

OXIDO- Which was your best moment in the music? And the live gig that you enjoyed more?
LORI- Best moment? There are many moments I enjoy. One of my favorite from our current set is our performance of Muspelheim. It's electric! As for my favorite live gig, that's harder. I have enjoyed so many of them. But I'd have to say the performance we did in Chile in 2007 was pretty spectacular. I was enamored with the venue, for one. It was this old, OLD theater and the crowd was unusually enthusiastic. Another place I always look forward to performing is Krakow, Poland. This particular city and the particular venue in which we perform is amazing. The crowd is utterly INSANE! The venue isn't necessarily the "nicest", but the people who work there more than make up for any less than perfect situation.

OXIDO- Is Therion currently preparing a new álbum? What can you tell us about that material?
LORI- We are not, no. We'll be doing a tour in Europe this fall in support of the new album. It's going to be something quite different… that's all I can reveal at this time!

OXIDO- Please, tell us about your expectations for this new South American tour.
LORI- I think it's going to be fantastic. We just had our first full show last night in Montevideo and it was great! The crowd was receptive, and I really feel they enjoyed the rather eclectic show we performed for them.

OXIDO- Finally, we want to know about your future plans for Aesma Daeva
LORI- I believe John is planning to release some new material soon, but I think it will be under his own name. However, there are several pieces in which I've contributed and will be on the album (as far as I know, haha!)

OXIDO- Thanks a million for your time, Lori. Do you want to add anything more?
LORI- Just that I appreciate you being so patient about how long it took me to get this done, haha! Saludos!
Interview by Javier Parente, para OXIDO.-

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